
Massage muscles along the spine

The Spinalator table has rollers that massage the muscles along the spine. The rollers move from the upper back to the lower back. It’s total relaxation! Achieve Health Maumee offers Spinalator services in Maumee, Ohio.

Spinalator Defined

A spinalator provides intersegmental tractioning (a stretching) to the entire spine. This tractioning provides relief for muscle spasms and decreases the compressive or irritative forces on the nerves.

In addition, the spinalator (or Intersegmental Tractioning Table) induces motion in the spine which aids in the breakup of adhesions and helps restore normal movements to the spine. It relaxes muscles, reduces inflammation and sedates irritated nerves. Accompanied with moist heat/ice applied to the area of complaint, the spinalator will feel like a gentle spinal massage that helps improve and maintain the mobility of the spine. It eases muscle tension and spells total relaxation.

What is a Spinalator?

The Spinalator is a form of an inter-segmental traction table. The table has three rotating rollers on a triangle that rotates. As this triangle rollers rotates, the roller lifts and separates the segments of the spine. During this motion, the rollers also elevate to increase the level of pressure to loosen tension in muscles to relax the patient before this adjustment.

You lie on the table, and the rollers gently lifts the spine, from the upper back to the lower back, opening-up the joints, moving the discs and stretching the muscles. You can discuss the benefits of utilizing the benefits of the Spinalator during your chiropractic visit.


  • Improved mobility
  • Improved metabolism
  • Increased blood circulation
  • Reduced fixation of spinal segments
  • Relief of muscle contractions and tense ligaments
  • Strengthening of ligaments
  • Stimulation of specific nerve centers

The Spinalator helps loosen knotted muscles so the patient can relax before their adjustment.