From a nutritional perspective, there are several questions that need to be considered when it comes to mental health.  There are numerous triggers that can amplify mental health in a negative way.  One needs to determine what’s going on below the head that might be affecting mental status. Two common causes are listed below.

The digestive tract is responsible for making 95% of serotonin, the “feel good” neurotransmitter used by the brain.  If the digestive tract is petrified, mainly due to the Standard American Diet (SAD), overuse of over the counter drugs, overuse of antibiotics to name a few causative factors, the production of serotonin is diminished.

Serotonin is known to ease anxiety and promote well being.  It also plays a role in sleep regulation, mood, sexuality and appetite.  Low levels are associated with depression, migraine, bipolar disorders and anxiety. Low serotonin levels can also create cravings for carbohydrates (Starch), heighten sensitivity to pain, and contribute to troubled sleeping patterns.

Another menace that can have severe effects on mental health is chronic Candidacies, also known as a yeast infection. This condition shares the same culprit as lowered serotonin production. Yeast overgrowth can cause irritability, anger, forgetfulness, depression, and disinterest in sex, panic attacks, anxiety, recurring obsessive thoughts, personality changes, mood swings and paranoia.  This is a partial list of the mental affects;  physical affects are a lengthier list.

It is important to consider that perhaps a possible cause for mental challenges isn’t a deficiency of drugs, but rather an imbalance the body is trying to cope with. By understanding the physiology of the body, (how the body works) one can deduce that an imbalance exists somewhere, to prevent the masterful body of working at its fullest potential.

This information is for educational purposes and is not intended for diagnosis or treatment.