There comes a time in many patients’ lives when, in spite of all their symptoms, the cause of their condition remains medically unknown.  While the marvels of medical technology are saving more lives than ever before, there is a portion of the population that slips through the cracks when all medical procedures and testing fail to pinpoint the problem.

There exists a gray zone that depicts not feeling healthy, yet not sick enough to have lab tests or medical procedures identify the underlying cause.  Nothing invalidates a person more than hearing the words that everything came back “normal” when they aren’t feeling well.

An estimated 70% of the population in general practice suffers from functional disturbances.  These disturbances occur when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified yet the patient has health complaints. Disease does not occur overnight, it is a manifestation of minute signs and symptoms that are often overlooked until it pushes the body into the diseased state.  Functional disturbances occur when a living organism can no longer compensate adequately for changes in the environment, either from internal conditions of the body and/or from external influences.  The approach of functional medicine is to attempt to bridge the” gray zone gap” back into balance and health.

From a functional medicine prospective the approach is to look for the malfunctioning system of the body that correlates to the patient’s complaints. Take, for instance, a 23 year old young lady who spent 3 days in the hospital with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and uncontrollable shaking.  She had a gastrointestinal scope, which revealed nothing. All the blood work came back normal and yet she felt like she was dying. This was definitely one of those cases where she was sick enough to seek medical attention at the emergency room and then be admitted, yet not sick enough for pathology to show up.

 After reviewing her history and previous labs food sensitivity was suspected as the cause of some of her symptoms. Food sensitivities, as they apply to this patient, produced symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and gallbladder problems.  Sluggishness of the gallbladder contributed to GI distress and the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Using a machine called the “Asyra”, a FDA approved, computerized electrodermal testing system, this patient’s sensitivity to wheat was confirmed. The Asyra testing system can reveal imbalances in body function by electronically scanning the body from head to toe and from inside out.  Some examples of what it can scan include nutritional deficiencies, organ stress, allergies, hormonal imbalance and toxic chemical exposure.

Another modality that was used is Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) based on electrical stimulation of the tissues in the body.  All tissues resonate at a specific electrical potential.  When the body undergoes trauma, inflammation and/or pain it changes the healthy frequency of the involved tissues, thus affecting the ability to function as designed.  FSM therapy restores the correct frequency to the tissues, restoring health.   For example, on a traumatized knee the FSM would run a protocol to reduce the inflammation on the tissues that surround the knee.  It would treat the inflammation on the nerves, muscles, tendons, bone.

All in all this young lady felt validated with her symptoms and the best outcome of all this was that for the first time in months she felt like her old self again. She developed an appetite again, the nausea and vomiting subsided, the anxiety disappeared and hasn’t had any further symptoms of her body shaking uncontrollably.  And to this patient’s delight, she is gaining weight!

The insight to having been examined at the hospital and having had the blood work and testing done ruled out pathology that might have needed medical attention.   She was not in good health, yet she had all these heath complaints. By addressing her sensitivity to wheat and calming her digestive tract using the FSM she is feeling well and enjoying life again.

This information is for educational purposes and is not intended for diagnosis or treatment.