21st century healthcare
Welcome to the technology of the 21st century for healthcare! ASYRA is a non-invasive scanning test that checks for imbalances in the body. Achieve Health Maumee offers Maumee ASYRA services.
ASYRA Defined
This non-invasive scanning test will scan for imbalances in the body from head to toe and from inside out. It can help detect changes in the body due to for example: environmental toxicity, allergies, nutrient deficiency, and toxins from bacteria, viruses, yeast and parasites long before symptoms arise or when the body is screaming for help.
Understanding ASYRA Testing
What is the Asyra?
The Asyra is a system designed for every health practitioner to assist in:
- Providing a further source of information in addition to those obtained from case history, questioning or observation.
- Apply that information directly in support of healing by way of built-in informational feedback.

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How Does It Work
The Asyra software contains digitally-encoded information describing a wide range of mental, physiological and emotional factors. The signals are output by the Asyra hardware as electromagnetic signals during testing. Using a simple and safe low voltage circuit formed by holding two brass cylinders, the response of the body to those signals is recorded. The response being measured is small changes in the electrical resistance of the skin. This information is relayed back to the software. A report is generated on the computer based on the responses.
What is the nature of the information obtained?
Running an Asyra test is an example of a process that we call bio-energetic testing. Bio-energetic (or just ‘energetic’) testing is effectively ‘asking the body’s intelligence a question’ and obtaining the response directly from the body’s own physiology, without engaging the conscious and language centers of the mind.
It is helpful to make some comparisons to other techniques that go part of the way towards this. Many people will be familiar with various forms of muscle testing. This is another form of bio-energetic testing applied by health practitioners. Practitioners of kinesiology use muscle response with a question asked verbally or the subject may hold an object or substance that is being tested. The response is measured by changes in the contractile strength of the skeletal muscles, checked manually by the tester.
These examples bear similarities to Asyra testing, but Asyra testing goes further from the direct presence of physical objects or verbal questioning. The challenges or questions are presented an encoded micro-power radio signal output, rather than in words.
What really distinguishes the Asyra from manual methods and from many of the other devices on the market is the skill and experience that has been brought to bear over 30 years in collecting and refining the digital encoding methods and in improving the technology for recording responses. The latest Asyra Pro system is able to run a very large number of signature outputs in a few minutes and thereby build a broad picture of responses across a wide subject area.
What exactly is meant by ‘energetic’ in the context of health testing?
The word ‘energetic’ does not relate to energy in the strict sense that a physicist would mean it. Instead we are using the term loosely to refer to aspects of human functioning that are not just biomechanical (i.e. joints, muscles and motion) and biochemical (e.g. nutrients, proteins, hormones and oxidation)
The functioning of the human body is governed by informational signals. Some of these, such as the instructions for making proteins encoded in DNA are recognized by modern science. The epigenetic factors – how our experiences in life affect gene expression – are just beginning to be understood. It is likely that there are many other communication mechanisms at work that have yet to be explained scientifically. Biology is a very young science. The existence of control mechanisms beyond genetic determinism is not seriously disputed by modern science, but its implications have not filtered through to medicine in practice. This is a result of resistance to change and because it is not yet clear how to employ the knowledge in systematic treatment programs. When we obtain responses from a bioenergetic testing device, the information is a mixture of commentary on the physical, chemical, emotional and mental state, and quite possibly is effected by the testing environment and relationship to the practitioner and others. Indeed, the skill and experience of the practitioner is needed to know how to utilize the information and triangulate it with case history and observation to recommend an individualized health and wellness program.
Is that the same as ‘bioresonance’?
Yes. Bioresonance systems are operating along the same principle, although many of them are much more limited in their application compared to Asyra. Resonance and ‘frequency’ are often used interchangeably. We prefer the term ‘informational signatures’ as in truth, the recorded and encoded signal may interact with the consciousness in a more complex way than a single frequency or simple wave-form.
Is the Asyra a diagnostic device?
No, but let us be clear about definitions here. ‘Diagnosis’ is derived from a Greek word meaning to ‘discern or distinguish’. In the modern medical context, this means to take a set of symptoms presented by a patient and state that they fit better into the category for disease A, disease B or perhaps disease C. In this way the medical practitioner can choose appropriate treatment, and it is important that he/she gets it right because the treatment for disease A might have quite negative consequences for a disease B patient, especially if it is surgical.
Asyra testing does indeed ‘discern’ only in that it records a completely individual set of responses to signals. This may assist a holistic practitioner in the approach that is characteristic of such disciplines: “treating the patient, not the disease”. Information obtained may support you in making a traditional diagnosis; if that is something you are trained and licensed to do.
So what exactly do the results signify?
The one definite and unchanging aspect of interpreting the test results is as follows: if an item shows up as unbalanced (usually a red or yellow indication against the item in the displayed list), then that signals that among the potentially hundreds or thousands of items tested, the body gave an above or below average electrical resistance response.
In different words, the body-mind system has indicated some kind of reaction to the signature being tested, and along the lines of homeopathic treatment (another essentially informational modality little understood as such), we can use that to ‘remind’ the organism to improve that particular aspect of homeostasis.
Consider a couple of parallels. Firstly from immunology: introduction to a pathogenic microbe initially causes a disturbance to the body, perhaps quite a serious acute reaction. However, as the information is relayed around the immune system, the body learns to cope with that particular pattern better next time. Secondly, from psychology: a therapist mentions an event in calm conversation to his client and the client breaks down in tears – he has hit a raw nerve. Subsequent discussion desensitizes the event and places it in a context. In both these cases, a repetition of information has allowed the body to become more robustly adapted to its environment.
The Asyra test is intended to identify items to which the body / mind system can learn better adaptive behaviors. These items may be as diverse as foods, pathogens, emotional patterns, colors or nutritional and pharmaceutical agents.
How do we use this in health and wellness practice?
We can proceed down a number of paths. Firstly, we can follow the recommendation – feed the informational signatures highlighted by the test back to the body. The Asyra provides us two ways of doing this: by creating an imprinted informational remedy (similar in some ways to a homeopathic remedy but without a chemical base), and by feeding the information via a safe low-power laser.
That much is simple, and is often quite clearly effective. However, most practitioners choose to use the Asyra results to inform other aspects of a wellness program according to their particular expertise. Most commonly this means nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture, bodywork or emotionally-based therapies.
The practitioner working in this way can utilize the very flexible database and reporting system on the Asyra to run the tests required to investigate different parts of the health picture and to inform other types of treatment within their training.
The Asyra essentially helps the practitioner to find clues about how to make progress, though like with all detective work, some clues are more important than others.
Do test results correlate with symptoms?
The answer to this is ‘sometimes yes, sometimes no’, and it would be surprising if it was any other way.
It is always re-assuring for practitioners and clients if the test reports seem to confirm things that the client is reporting in the case history, perhaps even more so if it is things they have initially held back from telling the practitioner.
However, the real value of a bioenergetic testing or bioresonance system is to reveal underlying patterns that are able to help change the dynamics of the system. These, by definition, are not the symptoms themselves. They may be recognizable as things closely associated with a symptom, or they may not be.
A client’s state of health can be considered like a complex 3-dimensional form about which we can only ever see a 2-dimensional snapshot. When we combine multiple snapshots from different angles, we get a better impression of the overall shape.
When we want to help a client undo patterns that have been ingrained into the body over years or decades, the process can be seen as stripping away ‘layers’. Bioenergetic testing using the Asyra, especially using the Comprehensive Analysis at the heart of the system, reveals a set of responses that we can see as the body’s intelligence telling us priorities, and those may or may not correlate with the main symptom that the client is presenting. As we peel away more layers, different causative aspects of the health problems reveal themselves for healing.
Are test results repeatable?
Rarely if ever will a test repeated two minutes later give the same set of responses as the first time.
This is a critical point. As the system is revealing the body’s response to informational signals, and response to information is instantaneous – the response to the same questions will be different if you run the test again.
That’s not the same as saying that a physical symptom has gone away – just that the body-mind has taken account of that information and can therefore adapt to it in any way it sees fit. That adaptation may take a while to promote a physical change, and indeed the same information may need to be fed back to the body repeatedly if aspects of the client’s environment or habitual behavior override it. The imprinted remedy helps with this process.