Enjoy Dr. Acuna’s Insights into today’s topics
Dealing with Stress – Adrenal Fatigue
In these depressing socio-economic times no one is immune from stress. Listening to the news, reading the paper and seeing friends and family affected by the socio-economic conditions is a constant reminder of these stressful times. Stress can have an undesirable...
Cholesterol Friend or Foe?
Cholesterol is portrayed as an evil villain on television commercials and magazine ads. Actually, Cholesterol is a necessity for life. The liver is the main producer of cholesterol. A function of cholesterol is to keep the cell membranes from falling apart. This soft,...
Good Dietary Habits and More Water Can Stem off Bladder Problems
An overactive bladder is an involuntary loss of urine preceded by strong urge to void independent of bladder fullness. One attributing cause can be acute or chronic bladder infections or irritation. From a functional prospective there are numerous factors that may...
EFA’s and Their Benefits
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) should be part of the diet. Some are considered very beneficial while others can contribute to poor health. EFA’s play a vital role in maintaining the health of every cell membrane in the body, are a major source of energy for the body...
Don’t Overlook the Importance of Magnesium
The wonders of the nutrient-mineral magnesium should not be overlooked when it comes to health and well-being. It is the most common mineral deficiency in this country and can be helpful in many health conditions. Magnesium (Mg) is involved in over 300...
Be Proactive Toward Your Health; Choose Good Foods
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” Hippocrates. We eat for the purpose of filling an empty stomach and for fueling the body. What we eat can contribute to good health by nutrient absorption, calorie expenditure...
Gut Health
Dr. Elia Acuna, a chiropractor in Maumee, is certified by the American Clinical Board of Nutrition (ACBN). The ACBN is a federally accredited nutrition program. Acuna Chiropractic Centre for Nutrition and Wellness can address a wide range of health...
Enzymes: The Key to Good Health
Food sensitivity has been correlated to the lack of digestive enzymes. In the ideal situation enzymes are products of digestion: coming from the saliva, the stomach which produces hydrochloric acid (HCL), the pancreas and gallbladder, both of which produce different...
Colors of Your Food – Full of Nutrients
Eating a meal from the rainbow colors is tantalizing to the palate, is candy for the eyes and is packed with vital nutrients. Mothers have been drilling us to eat our vegetables, and for good reason, they are good for us. The scientific community has unlocked the code...
The health of an individual can be determined in many ways; one can say that one is healthy because there is no pain, or that because blood work is normal, therefore one is healthy. How does one measure health? According to the World Health Organization,...